According to the newest Hootsuite raport, 49% of the world population uses social media which makes 3.8 billion people. The average daily time spent online is 7 hours, including 2,5 hours in social media. How does it impact the wellbeing and daily functioning of people?
The moment when a painstakingly crafted application starts its public life is a major event. After months of work, the final product finally sees the daylight and is ready to perform its role. But... what comes next? One might think that it is the moment when the collaboration with a software house ends. But that would be very far from the truth.
Sudden changes in staffing? A necessity to invest in new competences? Or maybe you just cannot afford to employ a new IT expert? We will gladly answer your needs. Our specialists collaborate with clients in the body leasing model, thanks to which you can lower the costs and implement almost any kind of project without having to invest in competences that are not of key importance to your business.
The time of manual recording of museum collections is coming to an end. Soon the museums will be able to digitise their exhibits in a quick and simple manner, as well as to improve their recording and management procedures. All of this is going to become possible thanks to the innovative web platform integrated with a specialist hardware infrastructure, cloud computing and both desktop and mobile applications that we have started working on.
The work at a company is supposed to go quickly and smoothly and the processes should be optimised and automated. That is the fundamental purpose of implementing a company management system. A few years ago, MEDITERRANEUM, a tour operator company, made a decision to enhance their everyday work by means of a comprehensive web application and today they come back to us with an idea for its further development.
"How much is THAT going to cost, actually?" This is one of the questions preceding commencement of every project, particularly in IT. If you want to receive an exhaustive answer to it, that is, one that is going to let you decide whether to invest in a given software solutions, you need to prepare yourself well.