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A convenient selection from among the many original accessories and lifestyle products from the Audi collection and the possibility of collecting the purchases at any dealer's location – this is how shopping looks in the Audi online store that we have designed. It is an original, dedicated sales platform, the functions of which correspond to the specific shopping process that takes place in the online store of Audi. We have also automated some of the processes that were previously done manually.

Simple, intuitive car configuration and generation of a customised offer for the Client within a few moments – this is how the dealers of Volkswagen Passenger Car brand are now working thanks to the Offer Generator web application that we developed. The up-to-date and correct offer configuration is provided by advanced combinatorics and integration of the global group's key systems within the framework of the Offer Generator. How does this functional tool work and which processes does it improve?

The work at a company is supposed to go quickly and smoothly and the processes should be optimised and automated. That is the fundamental purpose of implementing a company management system. A few years ago, MEDITERRANEUM, a tour operator company, made a decision to enhance their everyday work by means of a comprehensive web application and today they come back to us with an idea for its further development.

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